How Frequently You Should Change Your Passwords?
Phil Muncaster, the guest writer at ESET, probes whether that is the right question to ask and suggests what else you should consider when it comes to keeping your accounts safe.Read More…
Phil Muncaster, the guest writer at ESET, probes whether that is the right question to ask and suggests what else you should consider when it comes to keeping your accounts safe.Read More…
Tomas Foltyn, security writer at ESET discusses the questionable choices when it comes to the passwords user create to protect their accounts. The best that can be said about such passwords is that these passwords may win the popularity contest but lose flat out in security.Read More…
Tomas Foltyn, security writer at ESET highlights the notorious six-digit string continues to ‘reign supreme’ among the most-hacked passwords.Read More…
Tomas Foltyn, security writer at ESET discusses the new format of cyber attack known as “Thermanator” and explains how an attacker can use your body heat against you in order to steal your credentials or any other short string of text that you have typed on a computer keyboard. Read More…
Google is reportedly close to rolling out a hardware replacement for current 2-factor authentication setups.Read More…
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